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The Generosity of Total Strangers Can Be Amazing!

The beneficiaries of life insurance policies are sometimes surprised when they receive money. This is because people often buy life insurance out of the goodness of their heart, and want to do something special for a friend, family member or favorite charity without telling them. When the claim is paid, the recipient receives not only needed funds, but the heart-warming realization that somebody really cared for them.

Such benevolent surprises come in other ways. The Ottawa Citizen newspaper just printed such a touching story. It is about a woman with a fatal disorder who needed $125,000 for an innovative stem cell transplant procedure. She couldn’t raise the money. But then, a total stranger appeared at her door:

A man called to say he wanted to drop off a donation. He showed up minutes later, wearing a hat, large sunglasses and a spring coat, buttoned to the neck. “He clearly didn’t want me to know who he was,” Headley said. The tall, middle-aged man said nothing, but handed Headley an envelope. “I said, ‘Bless you.’ That was when he smiled. Then he walked away.”

Headley opened the envelope. Inside was a bank draft for $128,000. “I opened it up and literally fell on the floor — collapsed, crying and screaming,” she said. “My mother came running. She thought I’d fallen and hurt myself. I showed it to her and she was on the floor with me.” By the time the two had calmed down, her benefactor had disappeared. “We have absolutely no idea who he is,” said Headley.

Don’t you feel like doing something really good for somebody right now? Go ahead!