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Are you the couple who wants to avoid all risks with your money?

by Angie Carlson |

That can be more expensive than not taking any risks at all.

Not sure how that can be true?

Here are real examples from my clients:

1. Never letting their savings go below $10,000 because having that money felt safe – while paying over $10,000 a year in interest.

2. Saved for retirement in CDs because the market was too risky – only to find out the interest earned didn’t keep up with inflation, leaving them unprepared.

Here is the thing: Refusing to take risks with money puts your financial future at risk, too.

So take some small risks.

Ones that you can recover from and not break the bank.

Like discussing this topic on a no-cost conversation with me. https://calendly.com/carlsonfinancialcoaching/45min

Because the most expensive financial decision you two ever make may be from that risk you never take.