Category: Inside The Industry
What you need to know about the life insurance marketplace and products. My humble commentary on political, legal, and economic trends that affect the industry.
Financial savvy is a key ingredient to financial success. That is why you have to know what you’re doing when you buy insurance and investment products. I’m not talking only about technical knowledge. It’s not just a question of knowing…
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ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is very serious. It is virtually a diagnosis of terminal illness. As such, life insurance underwriters typically do not make offers. A few guaranteed-issue products that are good for burial money could be…
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As a life insurance broker I have encountered a number of women who were the unfortunate victims of sexual assault. Many found this to be an extremely difficult topic to discuss. Who can blame them? Can you think of a…
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Death is a fact of life and we each know that day will come eventually. To prepare for it, we buy life insurance so our loved ones, business interests, and heirs will be well taken care of. Of course, while…
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Life insurance brokers, and others who make a living in the financial services business, know the importance of strong presidential leadership. Under the right guidance, the American economy can boom. Yet a strong American president does much more than help…
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Let’s suppose someone like Harriette Thompson asked me to help her get life insurance: a 91-year-old woman who is currently battling skin cancer (squamous cell carcinoma). Her last treatment was only a month ago. A year ago she was treated for oral…
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Throughout my career in the life insurance industry, I have come across an amazing number of people with a criminal record. Some examples include: a male teacher having sex with a (willing but technically underage) girl (and not his student);…
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Epidemic and pandemics are of great concern to life insurance companies. Diseases that can significantly increase the probability of early death or disability are watched like oncoming cyclones. Emerging cultural attitudes and changes in public medical policy are noted for their…
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Mrs. Jeralean Talley turned 115 this past Friday. She is a remarkable woman. She gets around on her own with the help of a walker. She went fishing last year. She has a 14-month old great-great grandson. And she is…
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Military veterans often come to our firm for help with purchasing life insurance. They frequently have a history of serious illness that needs special attention from underwriters. In order to prequalify them and quote a rate at which they will…
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