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Category: Inside The Industry

What you need to know about the life insurance marketplace and products. My humble commentary on political, legal, and economic trends that affect the industry.

Should the Government Recognize Your Marriage?

From a life insurance underwriting point of view, marriage is neither a deal-maker nor a deal-breaker. I have been able to get policies for a man and woman who were legally-married partners; two men who were legally-married partners; two women…
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What is the Right Way To Take Care of the Poor?

Pope Francis has called for governments to redistribute wealth to the poor. He is doing so to help reduce what he considers to be an “economy of exclusion.” I share that spirit of generosity. I know you do, too. This…
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Can a Meat-Eater Leave His Insurance to a Vegetarian?

A recent estate planning controversy makes us think of this question. In that case, called the Vegetarian Society vs. Jennifer Scott, a meat-eating millionaire left 80% of his estate to a Vegetarian Society. His family challenge the will, on the…
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Does Executive Compensation Matter?

Executive compensation has been a hot political issue. The paychecks of American CEOs, in particular, have come under criticism (contrary to common belief, they are not excessive). How important is this issue to you? Does it matter to you how much…
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What Can Cinco De Mayo Teach Us About Life Insurance?

Today, the 5th of May, is Cinco De Mayo – a Mexican- American celebration. It commemorates a victory by Mexico in a war against France in the 1860‘s. As I understand it, the attack by France was an effort to…
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Would You Sell Life Insurance to Donald Sterling?

Here is a perspective on the Donald Sterling affair from the point of view of a life insurance salesperson. It was just published in the industry journal, ProducersWeb.
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Will My Religion Affect My Life Insurance?

Life insurance is part and parcel of estate planning. Religion can play a primary role in that planning. In doing so, it can influence the purchase of your life policy. Attorney Martin Shenkman writes about how religion can fit into a…
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Is Your Compassion Practical?

Do you feel bad about the people suffering around the world? Of course you do. But what can you do about it? Give some money? Give a little time? How about inventing something that can literally improve the lives of…
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Do Our Veterans Get the Help They Need?

Many of my clients are military veterans. Some served in Vietnam, some in Iraq, and some in other distant lands. A lot of them are dealing with a serious medical issue. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is common. It often…
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Whole Earth Insurance

You are in the market for life insurance. A salesman comes to your office to present his wares. You start off the conversation by asking him what type of insurance he usually recommends to his clients. Is it term? Is…
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