Category: Inside The Industry
What you need to know about the life insurance marketplace and products. My humble commentary on political, legal, and economic trends that affect the industry.
Guns and gun violence are a huge part of our society. If you work in the life insurance business long enough, and you handle enough different cases, you will come across them. I have seen firsthand the trouble they can…
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When someone passes on, we should think about the impact that person had on our lives. When a figure the stature of Margaret Thatcher dies, people will be considering her impact for many years to come. I greatly admired the…
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Many people buy term life insurance because the price is typically lower than permanent insurance. Of course, that low price is guaranteed for a set amount of time (as opposed to the life-long guarantees that are available with whole life…
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Back in my college days Consumer Reports was essential reading. If you wanted to be socially aware, and patronize socially responsible companies, you read it. If you wanted to get good value for your money on every purchase, you read…
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Let’s suppose life insurance companies were prevented from individually underwriting applicants. The situation would be similar to that which is taking place in the health insurance marketplace today. The parallels could be as follows: Just as the benefits have been…
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We life insurance brokers take pride in helping American businesses grow. Many of our clients are men and women who take the plunge into entrepreneurship and try to “build a better mousetrap.” Our products help them secure debt, indemnify key…
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As the authorities investigate the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, we are left to ponder flight safety. Haven’t we always said that riding in a plane is safer than riding in a car? The answer is still yes……
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An unnamed Silicon Valley billionaire just purchased the largest life insurance policy ever: $201 million. …And odds are you would do the same. (To give you quick background, the purchase was arranged by the SG financial services firm in Palo…
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In his recent State of the Union Address address, President Obama spoke about women’s inequality in the workplace. Activist groups on both the right and the left reacted immediately. This issue is sure to be at the forefront of the…
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Do bossy women buy life insurance? Not really. For that matter, bossy men don’t either. Why not? To start, here is the dictionary definition of bossy: boss·y1 [baw-see, bos-ee] ; given to ordering people about; overly authoritative; domineering. In this day…
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