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Category: Inside The Industry

What you need to know about the life insurance marketplace and products. My humble commentary on political, legal, and economic trends that affect the industry.

Presidents Day Report Card

On a day honoring the presidents of our great country, it would be appropriate to assess the record of the man currently in office. In particular we will consider the general impact of his policies on the life insurance marketplace. …
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The Dollars and Sense of Valentine’s Day

In the financial world we are constantly trying to economize. How can we provide more value for less cost? The economy of life insurance is very much appreciated because every dollar of benefit costs literally pennies in premium. And, both…
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How Much is Your Self-Worth, Worth?

The purchase of life insurance is very much about self-worth, about holding yourself and others in high esteem. People buy a policy so their surviving family members can retain their independence. No one has to feel the shame of asking…
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15-Year-Old Girl Inherited $25 Million After Actor’s Tragic Passing

Popular actor, tireless humanitarian, and generous philanthropist Paul Walker passed on tragically on November 30, 2013. Walker and Roger Rodas, a friend and advisor, died in a car crash. His teenage daughter, Meadow, is the sole beneficiary of his entire…
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Our Heritage of Preventing Governmental Abuse of Power

The current US administration has been accused of a “tyrannical abuse of power”. Poll after poll indicates that “most Americans generally think that politicians are untrustworthy. So why trust them with so much power?” How could we have avoided this…
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A recent article in USA today states that older workers may still need life insurance. This is true. Here is what you need to know: 1. If your spouse is still dependent on your income, you will need life insurance for income…
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A World of Differences

In life, the differences between people are important. “One size fits all” does not work with life insurance.  It’s not working with Obamacare either. The beauty of life insurance is individualized underwriting. Each applicant is assessed a rate according to…
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Footballer Financial Follies

A leading industry publication interviewed estate attorneys and a financial advisor about the estate planning mistakes made by professional athletes. We can avoid the same errors. I have summarized their conclusions below, and have added insights on how life insurance…
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Interdependent, Not Government-Dependent

This week’s Biblical portion starts the story of the Tabernacle, the portable house of worship in the desert. In his commentary, Rabbi Sacks draws for us some key lessons about the extent to which people could and should depend on…
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Whose Estate Is It Anyway?

Timothy Carney of Reason Magazine is challenging what he sees as Crony Capitalism by the life insurance industry. Here is some background for you, along with my assessment. Focus on estate planning Life insurance is frequently an essential component of…
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