Category: Inside The Industry
What you need to know about the life insurance marketplace and products. My humble commentary on political, legal, and economic trends that affect the industry.
The selection of your life insurance beneficiary often seems like a simple decision. Your spouse… Your kids… Your business… Your favorite charity… They’re all easy choices. So most people just go ahead and write them in on the application. But…
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What makes you…you? This question is the focus of much ancient wisdom. Clearly, humans have been asking it from time immemorial. Philosopher and writer Toni Bernard has compiled a collection of wise sayings from the Greeks and Romans of old.…
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Have you ever heard of the “Dread Pirate Roberts”? The case of Ross Ulbricht, aka Dread Pirate Roberts, is a fascinating study of two conflicting approaches to dealing with the problems of the illegal drug marketplace. Ross apparently tried to…
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Have you ever bought something and felt that the salesman wasn’t really interested in you? When was the last time you bought something and actually had fun making the purchase? Believe it or not, giving the client a most satisfying…
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Whether you think he was a liberal or a conservative, John F. Kennedy certainly left his mark on America. Ira Stoll of speaks effusively about JFK’s legacy. He even goes as far as to encourage Republican presidential nominees to…
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Welcome to Uganda. Civil war. Crushing Poverty. Rampant disease. Can you imagine living in these conditions? For young industrial innovators and technological disruptors in Africa, this is what they have to work with. And the results are pretty astounding: Healthcare on…
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Last week, ProducersWeb featured my article, “Purchasing life insurance: It’s not just about the company.” I discussed how the selection of the broker and general agent are as important as the choice of carrier when buying a policy: Our clients…
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Do you ever eat something without knowing what’s in it? I definitely don’t. Granted, we need to rely on food establishments to go through full disclosure and to obey all the health regulations. We also need to trust that the…
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We often get bogged down in the details of life and lose perspective. Things that are relatively unimportant take on an enormous impact. Each tree seems like it’s own forest. We have to work hard to retain our footing and…
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Do you trust me? It is hard to feel safe in this world. On the one hand, you can develop a certain feeling of security when you grow up with the same people and have good experiences with them. However,…
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