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Category: Inside The Industry

What you need to know about the life insurance marketplace and products. My humble commentary on political, legal, and economic trends that affect the industry.

Corporate Welfare and Life Insurance

Everyone likes to buy stuff. I don’t care if you’re Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative, Yankees or Mets fan. You and I both have stuff that we are willing to trade our hard-earned money for. When a company does…
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These Guys Take Eldercare Seriously

If your boss stopped paying you, would you quit your job? What if everyone who worked with you quit ? Would you even think of staying? But…what if your job was to care for elders who could no longer care…
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Can We Trust the Government with the Death Penalty?

Few issues draw as much passion as the death penalty. People that are given this sentence are typically guilty of heinous crimes that literally get the public’s blood to boiling. The deterrence argument – “at least we don’t have to…
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Today is Universal Children’s Day

Today is the annual worldwide celebration of Universal Children’s Day. Universal Children’s Day was first recommended by the UN as a global celebration in 1954 (many countries have individually celebrated the day on different dates, since the 19th century). The…
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Is the Founder of the Sierra Club Still Relevant to Environmentalism?

In the century since his death, John Muir’s environmental legacy has been appreciated across America. Muir is famous for founding the Sierra Club and the Audubon Society. A geologist and botanist by training, Muir extolled the virtues of leaving pristine…
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Will Making More Food End World Hunger?

Some people believe this “hunger crisis” (which is only expected to get worse) is due to insufficient food production. If we simply produce more food, the thinking goes, then the problem of world hunger will be solved. Not so, says…
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Does Net Neutrality Make The Internet A Utility?

I’ve written about the complex issue of net neutrality before. Advocates of enforcing net neutrality claim that it preserves the democratic nature of the internet and prevents monopolistic businesses from stifling startups’ access to the digital market. Critics claim that…
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“My Bad”: Practical Wisdom from Pick-Up Basketball

On the basketball court in the closest local park, fouls happen in every game – and there’s no ref to call them. It’s no big deal, though. Even (especially) when the foul is unintentional, the offender just owns up to…
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Kendrick Taylor on Doing the Right Thing

Audio engineering student and navy veteran Kendrick Taylor was on his way to the gym when he sensed something was wrong. He looked to his left and was shocked to see a man robbing an elderly woman. Kendrick could not…
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Does Marriage Make You Wealthier?

There are certainly psychological and social benefits to marriage. The love and support we give to and receive from our spouse helps us to grow and become better people. Society as a whole is enriched by the commitment of marriage…
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