Category: Inside The Industry
What you need to know about the life insurance marketplace and products. My humble commentary on political, legal, and economic trends that affect the industry.
This is not as crazy a question as it sounds. It forces us to talk about what peace really means. Should we strive for a time when there is no war at all? Should we settle for wars that are…
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Dress is important in business. First impressions go a long way. We have split seconds to encourage or discourage people to work with us. This is especially true with life insurance sales people. People could be ready to commit a…
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When my clients buy life insurance, they are always looking for a good deal. Even when they get a good deal, they look for a better deal further on down the road. And if they qualify for a better rate…
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What do we mean when we say somebody owns something? I think we mean that it is ours to do with what we want. I bought something, it is mine; I can do with it what I please. Or, I…
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Over the past few years, the world has witnessed revolt after revolt in the “Arab world”. Revolutions have taken place in Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, and Lebanon. A new Muslim caliphate has been declared. Hamas has attacked Israel. Would…
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Mental toughness expert Jason Selk puts emotional venting in the proper perspective in his recent Forbes article. His strategy for dealing with it can help us all be less of a burden not only to others, but – very importantly…
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Michael Tanner, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute, has a great follow-up to the Hobby Lobby case in National Review Online. I talked about this Supreme Court ruling last week, in the context of putting the government in its place…
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Here is your Monday Good News Roundup. Start your week feeling good about money, people, and the world around you. * These Lowe’s employees helped a vet when the VA didn’t. Veteran Michael Sulsona had been waiting on a new…
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Do you need people in your firm who can work their way up to the top? Who are grateful for an opportunity to grow, and will make the best of it? Who don’t feel they deserve anything but a chance…
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If you were the Prime Inventor of the Earth, would you invent life insurance? What if it hadn’t existed already. Would you go ahead and create it? Let’s think about that for a second. What exactly is life insurance? What…
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