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Category: Winning The Life Insurance Game

How to make the application process work for you. My advice for people with specific risk factors, such as tough medical conditions and extreme hobbies, on how to get coverage at a reasonable rate.

Can we keep the policy in force?

Let’s suppose two business partners put together a buy-sell agreement (good move! Now they have a plan for business succession in case one of them tragically dies; gets too hurt or sick to continue working; or decides to retire ahead…
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COVID-19 Is Motivating Americans to Get a Will – Especially After Contracting COVID-19

This report from Gerry W. Beyer is not surprising. The COVID pandemic has motivated people to get their estates in order. This is especially true among younger people, who too often neglect to get a will. Good news! In my…
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How to avoid visualization mistakes when buying life insurance

Fitness and growth guru Matt Furey offers sage advice on Visualization. He teaches us how to avoid the five most commons mistakes. I especially like this one: Mistake #4 – Ignoring where you are. When they buy life insurance, many…
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The power of being impulsive

Josh Larson at Bushido has a keen insight into the plus side of being impulsive. In his blog post, he talks about impulsively taking on the challenges that you instinctively shy away from. That helps you develop grit. With more…
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Be Like Water

As a BaGua Kung Fu practitioner, I take heart from the wisdom of the masters who came before me, and who teach me to this day. Bruce Lee is one of them. Bruce was an expert at applying the principles…
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How to use your imagination when buying life insurance

Visualization is an important practice in the self-development industry. (As you can see below in the lesson from world renown Personal Coach Matt Furey, visualization also involves imagination and feeling. We will follow his lead and call the technique “imagination.”)…
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Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds

This is a truly inspiring set of interviews with British subjects who lived past age 100. What was their secret? I found their wisdom so interesting because my Aunt Lorraine also lived past age 100, and she passed on the…
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I’ve recently been featured as guest contributor in Advisors Magazine.  You can read the article here.
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Consumers Still Need the Expertise of Product Specialists

Reason Magazine has run an article with surprising news – there is still room in the marketplace for small business operators! It’s encouraging to hear that small retail stores can compete with online giants like Amazon. I think it’s true…
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Life insurance consultant Bill Boersma has identified some of the major pitfalls of life insurance premium financing in an article in wealthmanagement.com. Brokers and advisers who propose such an arrangement to their clients would be wise to heed his advice.…
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