Customized life insurance policies.
You will receive high-end, personalized expert assistance in meeting all your insurance needs related to estate preservation, estate equalization, business planning, legacy planning, and charitable giving.
Competitive rates are available for men and women who represent a higher underwriting risk due to health, lifestyle, personal record, or other factors.
Life insurance brokerage services provided by underwriting experts.
Virtually any medical or lifestyle underwriting challenge can be insured.
Policy benefits can range well over $100 million.
Advanced underwriters, financial planners, accountants, and attorneys available to consult with your professional advisors on policy design, at no charge.
Expert assistance with premium financing, life settlements, and other complex transactions to generate policy funding.
Existing partnership agreements reviewed for potential liabilities, at no charge. Informal business valuations are conducted for approving life insurance policies to fund partnership agreements, at no charge.
Existing policies are audited to detect potential financial and legal liabilities.
Policies are available for citizens and residents of other countries, including those with no family, business, or financial ties to the United States.
Probate bonds for executors, guardians, administrators, or trustees to meet probate requirements.