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How is $43,083.05 leaving your account?

by Angie Carlson |


This is the amount that leaves your bank account with your permission to help fund banks, credit card companies, and corporations.

This is the amount you are spending so you can stay in first place of the race nearly everyone is in and no one wins.

And this money you didn’t know you are spending is sucking the life out of your financial goals and dreams.

How would that much money change your life?

  • Dream of the vacations you can take
  • The downpayment for your dream home
  • Investing into retirement
  • Helping you children with college expenses
  • Buying a new car in cash
  • Nice wedding
  • Home renovations

If these things sound like what you’d rather spend $43,083.05 on, would you like some help with getting that back into your bank account?

(If you prefer your money leaving your account, I’d love to know why.)

So I bet you’re wondering… what does $43,083.05 represent?

Interest paid on purchases by the average American

  • Four credit cards (average)
  • One new car (average)
  • Federal student loan balance (average)
  • One personal loan (average)

(How much do you like being average?)

Because how much you borrow and repay on time determines how high your credit score is.

Is $43,083.05 worth your 800+ credit score?

Society teaches that you need to have a great credit score to live a great life.

Society doesn’t teach how much it actually costs to keep a high credit score.

And how much you sacrifice personally for a score to remain trapped.

(Think about it: is the credit card you use for airline miles really worth it?)

With the average American salary being $59,428, it is no wonder that you both feel overwhelmed by the debt.

You start out in shock, then cry, and finally yell (or swear). 

Some of you may puke.

This is one reason why you two feel that no matter what you do, neither of you see a way out of your financial situation.

That extra money you need isn’t available.

Providing additional challenges when it comes to saving for your long-term goals and desires.

If you have read this and decided you want to change

Congratulations on the decision to no longer be average.

Let’s ensure that decision results in the money coming back to your bank account and relationship.

And that will happen through my 6-month coaching program.

It’s an experience for couples where both can talk about everything – except money.  I guide you through how to have deep, powerful conversations that result in less stress in your relationship with more money in the bank.

Clients who work with me are finding on average an additional $1,500 per month to put towards their goals.

Increase their amount of sleep and the quality of their relationship.

They stop sending their hard-earned money to pay companies and keep it in their account instead.

While investing in their shared future without financial stress.

How would that change your life?

Going from average to extraordinary starts here: https://calendly.com/carlsonfinancialcoaching/15min

Angie Carlson – Carlson Financial Coaching

I help couples that struggle to communicate about money go from overwhelmed to heard and respected so that they can live out their ideal, shared future without financial stress.