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How to start the conversation today about your day-to-day finances

by Angie Carlson |

3 Questions to Answer Together to Start Transforming Your Finances in 2024.

These questions aren’t fluff – they are deep.  

Highly encourage you to save this post, as you’ll want to reflect back on these questions again and again.

As a financial coach that helps couples who can talk about anything – except money – I’ve had my fair share of questions.

And nearly all of the questions have one underlying theme:  

The question that was asked is not the question that needed to be answered to move the needle forward.

Hence, why today we are going DEEP.

So, let’s get started…

Question One: Why does my spouse handle money this way?

Why do you want to know?

What is being impacted in your life because of the way they handle money?

What are you thinking about their money skills at this moment?

Work through these, and you will be able to approach the conversation on handling money in a different way than you were going to.

Question Two: Why can we never see where our money is going?

Why do you want to find where your money is going?

What are you currently experiencing that prompted you both to ask the question?

Will finding where your money goes even change where it is going?

(Yup, we went there.  That’s part of the power of going deep.)

Question Three:  What’s a good budget for us?

How do you define a “good budget”?

What are you wanting to accomplish through a budget?

Why do you both think your current budget isn’t good?

Bonus Question:  We see what we need to do to get our money in a better spot, and that terrifies us.  We don’t want to sell the big-ticket item that provides our only stress relief, start telling our kids no, or have our lifestyle look different to everyone around us.  And we don’t see other options.  What can we do?

Start by noticing that both of you said you want to get your money in a better spot.

Why does getting your money in a better spot terrify you?

What is going on under the surface that is telling you the options that you came up with are not the best ones for you?

Why are you both assuming that no other options exist besides the ones you listed?

While these questions on the surface seem simple – I promise you the answers are anything but.

And the couples that work through these types of questions are the ones that start to see the shifts they’ve been dreaming of while experiencing less stress in their relationship and more money in the bank.