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I Fell Off The Wagon

by Tracy Latona |

I have a confession to make. 🤭

This may be major imposter syndrome coming through, but vulnerability and authenticity are more important to me, and so is the lesson with what I’m about to share.

I guide my clients to be intentional with their money, which includes building rock solid habits of keeping up with their finances while their routines are thrown off, like going on vacation.🏝

As I laid in bed on the third night of the financial coaching conference that I went to last week, trying to fall asleep, my eyes shot open and a strong word or two popped in my brain.🙀

I had not ONCE thought about checking our bank account or tracking transactions to keep up on our budget.

At a FINANCIAL COACHING conference where we talked about serving people and…you guessed it!


It completely slipped my mind in the midst of excitement, new environment, and making sure to be on the bus by 7:30am.

When I’m home, going over the budget is literally built into my routine of doing it after coffee and Jesus time. ✝ 💰

Taking care of spiritual health, and then taking care of financial health.

Did I still have my Jesus time while away?


Did I even THINK to check the bank account to stay on top of our budget?


But, instead of beating myself up for it and feeling guilty, I recognized how EASY it can be to have your habits thrown off when your normal schedule is thrown off.

So, I cut myself some grace, and spent time when I got home being intentional and catching everything up from the last 4 days

If you find yourself falling off the wagon of intentionally managing your money, judgement, guilt, and self-condemnation AREN’T going to help.

In fact, they make the procrastination WORSE, because your brain is tying feeling bad to the habit.

Instead, give yourself grace, recommit to the vision you have to your future and finances, and get back in the saddle.

Once you’re caught up, your brain will thank you, because you’re no longer facing the unknown of where your money is at.

Have you ever gone on vacation and had your routine thrown off?

I know you’re ready to build the habits, mindsets, and behaviors with your money to stop stress and grow your bank account, even when you take a vacation.

You’re ready to make the changes in yourself and your money to pay off debt, build your savings for your future, and be in a position to live generously.

And this is exactly how I help my clients!

Click the Botton to set up a Money Strategy Session to get to know where you are, where you want to be, and make a plan to confidently handle your money!

The wagon isn’t leaving without you. You can hop back on at any time, and keep moving forward!