
 Life Insurance Policy Audits – with Alex Dunn

An audit is simply a check-up on your life insurance policy to make sure it is doing its job. It doesn’t require much of your time and costs you nothing, yet it gives you the peace of mind you expect from your coverage.

An audit will answer these six key questions:

1) Do you have enough coverage?

Have circumstances changed in your life since you first purchased the policy? Do you require additional coverage?

2) Is your premium guaranteed for as long as you will need?

How many years are left for which the face amount and premium will be guaranteed? Is this enough time or will you need coverage beyond that point, which is precisely when the price could go up?

3) Is the rate you are paying still competitive?

Are lower rates available, either for the short-term and/or the long-term? Has your medical condition or lifestyle changed in such a way that you would qualify for a lower premium?

4) Do you still have the most appropriate product?

Is the existing product still appropriate? Or would alternative products—term, universal life, or whole life—provide welcome added value?

5) Are your owner and beneficiary designations correct?

Are the original designations still relevant? Or have changes taken place regarding your family, business, and estate that call for amendments to the policy?

6) Should you get a policy on your spouse, kids, or business partner?

Does your spouse have enough coverage? Is it time to start policies on your children? How about life insurance on your business partner and key executives?

The audit process is simple and convenient:

Step 1:

You and I touch base briefly to confirm you would like to proceed. You can then share with me any concerns you have, and what you would like to accomplish.

Step 2:

I will obtain an in-force illustration of the current policy. One of my underwriters may also speak with you to get any additional quote data that would be needed.

Step 3:

I will report back to you with an assessment of your current policy, and a comparison with possible alternatives.

The results of the audit will give you peace of mind:

An audit will provide one of two very desirable results. On the one hand, we may conclude that all is well and nothing should be changed. That would be good to know.

Or, (and this happens a lot), the audit may reveal that your coverage needs to be brought up to standard. Fortunately, we will have generated options, so a solution could be implemented in short order.


Sound good? To get started, simply fill out the contact information below, and my office will arrange a time for us to speak.

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