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Teen Wisdom for 2015

You don’t have to be “old and grey” to have wisdom to share.

Huffington Post has a special section for teen bloggers, HuffPost Teen.

Over the past year, these teenagers have shared their lives — and the lessons they’ve learned along the way — with readers.

Jessica Kane collected eleven “nuggets of wisdom” dropped in 2014.

My favorite was from Hannah Zack:

“No matter what disability, disorder, impairment or other obstacle tries to rob you, it is not for them to dictate what you can and cannot do; it is YOU who decides.”

Hannah perseveres in spite of her own physical disability. You can read about her on her blog. She offered this advice under the heading, “4. Your mental and physical health are important — prioritize them.”

The Right Attitude

This attitude will make her a winner in life and give her the strength needed to overcome all obstacles that come her way.

It will also make her a fine candidate for life insurance.

Like most applicants, you might have something which makes you a “less-than-preferred” risk. It could be a lifestyle issues such as smoking… a medical condition such as high blood pressure or heart disease… or an adventurous hobby such as scuba diving.

But what else do you have going for yourself to balance out that higher risk?

To what extent do you take care of your body and mind?

Your wellness in other areas can give you the underwriting credits needed to help you qualify for a very competitive rate.