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These Guys Take Eldercare Seriously

If your boss stopped paying you, would you quit your job?

What if everyone who worked with you quit ?

Would you even think of staying?

But…what if your job was to care for elders who could no longer care for themselves?

This is exactly what happened to Miguel Alvarez and Maurice Rowland this year.

Alvarez, a janitor, and Rowland, a cook, found themselves alone in caring for sixteen elderly residents after their coworkers quit and their employer closed the business.

Alvarez and Rowland together took care of their residents for three entire days before town emergency services took over.

Listen to their comments about the experience:


The Spotlight’s on You

We often feel we are nobody – maybe “just” a cook, maybe “just” a janitor.

Yet sometimes, we realize that we have a unique role to play in life and can make a tremendous difference in the world.

Miguel and Maurice saw that the spotlight was on them to help people whose lives otherwise could have fallen apart.

You know something?

When we think about life insurance, we can come to the same realization.

Our families, our businesses, our heirs, and the charities we support are dependent on us.

Our financial support of them makes a tremendous difference in their lives. Life insurance can make sure we keep making that difference.