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 Think Time is Required to Win With Money?  Read This

by Angie Carlson

There is a misconception in the financial coaching industry that results take TIME.

Like months, years, and decades of TIME.

I recently coached my clients through an educational decision they were unsure about.

In under TEN MINUTES, they are now saving 6 years of TIME – and more than $100,000 in MONEY.  

This is WHY getting clear on your desires is so important.

(And the first step of my Agree & Achieve Method.)

Because we can do all the work in the world on budgeting and cutting expenses…

… and it will do NOTHING FOR YOU TWO if your desires are out of alignment.

So, what financial advice do I give clients on time?

The same advice my coach, Juliana Garcia, gave me.

“Results don’t take TIME, they take COURAGE.”

And making a decision that aligns with what you two know you WANT to – but not sure if you CAN do – takes courage.

Not time.

P.S. For those of you wanting to take a courageous step with money, you can chat with me for NO COST here: https://calendly.com/carlsonfinancialcoaching/45min