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What A Job Loss Reveals About Your Money (And It’s NOT What You Two Think)

by Angie Carlson |

My clients Hillary and Loren found tens of thousands of dollars hiding in plain sight when this happened.

But first, here’s some context of what was happening in their life:

  • Paycheck-to-paycheck
  • Feeling defeated
  • No matter what they tried, no financial progress was being made

(Raise your hand if you can relate.)

They were sick and tired of it, so they hired me to help get them out of this cycle once and for all.

A couple of months into our work together, Hillary lost her job.

Adding one more hurdle to overcome, right?

That answer would depend on who you ask.

You see, I told Hillary & Loren the day she lost her job that it was the best thing that could have ever happened.

Naturally, neither of them believed me.

What I knew that they didn’t at the time – stress shows up in spending.

And losing a huge source of stress (aka the boss from hell) is a money saving move that doesn’t show up in your budget.

Because we’re trained to look at the money no longer in our budget…

… instead of the relief felt in our body when we stop feeling so uncomfortable for 40+ hours a week.

And when your body feels that level of stress relief, your finances do too.

In our next session, I was not surprised to hear that they lived on only Loren’s income AND had money to put towards their debt…

… after living most of their 16 year marriage paycheck-to-paycheck with TWO incomes.

In other words, they had TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS hiding in plain sight – because Hillary’s job loss revealed it.

After they discovered this, Hillary was hired at a new company for higher pay.

Which they are enjoying putting towards their future together.

Amazing, right?

I’ll let you in on a secret: They are not my first client to have this happen.

And I know it can happen for you two – without waiting for a job loss – when you two know where to look for your money hiding in plain sight.

A skill that has saved my clients over ONE MILLION DOLLARS to date.

Would you two like the chance to learn this skill – for free?


That’s why I’m hosting the Find Your Hidden $10K Challenge – FOR FREE.

Here’s what we’ll cover: 

Day 1: You Can’t See It – Most people don’t realize that they have hidden money right under their noses.  The first step is to understand the reasons you two have missed it.

Day 2: Places to Look – Now that you know why you’ve been missing out on your hidden $10K, let’s dive into where you can start looking for it.  And get it working for your relationship.

Day 3: The Beauty In the Chaos – When financial chaos strikes, it can actually illuminate areas where you’ve been losing money. You both will learn how to spot that money and turn that chaos into opportunity.

Day 4: The Decisions Costing You Both Money – We’ve focused on the day-to-day and the unexpected.  Now, it’s time to look long-term. I’ll reveal three common costly decisions couples make -plus how to avoid them.

Day 5: Invite Only Live Coaching: Don’t Settle for Just $10K – This day is only for those that are active participants in the challenge – get additional support on finding your hidden $10K when Angie coaches you both LIVE.

You’ll walk away with tools to find your hidden $10k that you can use for life along with the confidence your relationship will stand strong no matter what comes your way.

Close your eyes for a second.

Imagine what your life would look like with an extra $10K.

Starts August 12th at 6pm Central.

Join us here:  Hidden $10K Challenge – Carlson Financial (carlsonfinancialcoaching.com)