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What are the Habits of Wealthy People?

What sets the wealthy apart? What helps them rise above the rest and stay successful? The answer may surprise you. The key is not working eighty-hour weeks or hiring a bigger staff. It’s simple, really. Wealthy people say thank you.

They Foster an Attitude of Thankfulness

Wealthy people go out of their way to say thank you all the time, even when it may not be necessary. In fact, the less necessary a thank you, the more impact it seems to make on the recipient. Here are a few examples:

  • When their spouse makes them their favorite meal or remembers to fix the closet door, they say thank you.
  • When their kids do a good job around the house, they say thank you.
  • When their waitress brings them the food they ordered with a smile, they say thank you.
  • When their secretary, manager, or executive vice president helps them out, they say thank you.
  • When the janitor finishes mopping the floor, they say thank you.
  • When their biggest client gives them a sale, they say thank you.
  • When their smallest client gives them a sale, they say thank you.
  • When their number one vendor comes through for them, they say thank you.
  • When the vendor on the bottom of their list comes through for them, they say thank you.

They say thank you to their banker, their gardener, their attorney, their garbage man, their pool boy, and the chairman of their board. You get the idea.

They Appreciate Everyone

Wealthy people take no one for granted. They are acutely aware of the vital contribution everyone makes to their success. This means everyone around them; whether the contribution is large or small.

Wealthy people make others feel glad to be part of their team. They spread goodwill. As a result, they get significant amounts of cooperation and 110 percent effort from those they work with. That gives them enormous success.

They Don’t Give Up

Their attitude of gratitude keeps a smile on their face throughout the ups and downs of life. Gaining wealth is a hard job. Keeping wealth is a hard job. Spreading wealth is a hard job. If you remain grateful for what you have, then each step of the journey is worth taking. Gratefulness can keep you going, step after step after step.

Wealthy people feel rich because they are grateful for everything the world has given them, even those things that would make other people complain and quit.

Wealth does not just represent an external lifestyle or financial situation. Wealth is an attitude, a way of looking at the world, a perspective about others. When this attitude permeates their life, it makes them wealthier in every way. They feel rich, so they get rich.

What perspectives do you have about wealth? Do you practice thankfulness every day, despite the circumstances? Do you have a question about life or life insurance?