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What Money Decisions Really Cost

Angie Carlson

Financial calculations are just numbers… right?

If your calculator knows what you want more than you do, sure.

If your calculator knows what numbers to put in for that never-ending stress from that high paying job, sure.

If your calculator knows the cost of spacing off at your kid’s event and lying to them about seeing their game winning shot, sure.

If your calculator knows the cost of tossing and turning all night because you are so stressed about money, sure.

And… no calculator, spreadsheet, or budgeting app knows this.

This is why it’s so important to know how to do a calculation like this.


Immediately understand why the two of you want different things in your relationship.

You’ll go through an exercise to gather the information required so there is clarity on what you two want -and how your finances can support it


End the silence, avoidance, arguments, and/or tension.

That’s why I have a collaborative process for us to discuss and finalize the best path forward so money is now the easiest conversation you two have.

And how to calculate what your decisions are really costing the two of you


Resist the temptation to do it all, because where you’re going is a done deal.

All that is left is getting there.

That’s why we use the power of focus and choose up to 3 areas to work on.


I’ll walk you through how to put financial regrets in the past and ensure your day-to-day foundation is strong while bringing your future into your reality ASAP.

You’ll both clearly see the numbers on paper- and the money in your bank account – available to have the future you both want.


I’ll teach you what it requires to handle life when it comes your way.

No matter what, your desires and vision for your relationship continue to come to life.


Naturally, your bank account and financial confidence will increase.

Along with the responsibilities of managing all of it.

It’s crucial that we identify what is in place and have a process that ensures you’re asking the right questions to the right people to keep your vision front and center while protecting the wealth you’re creating.

Otherwise, that tension you both feel when you talk about money?

It’s going to amplify.

And I know that isn’t the result you two are looking for.