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Whatever Financial Path You Two Take…

by Angela Carlson |

… always expect at least one person will have a different opinion than yours.

Recently, I shared about how my spouse and I went all-in on a financial plan that looked like a disaster on paper and how we both knew it was going to be OK with zero evidence of that result.

And many chose to voice their concerns for our decision-making ability:
* I have put my family’s future at risk
* I need my credit score to survive (because we paid off our last debt, our mortgage)
* I made the whole story up (LOL, my brain would have never thought of that one)
* I am not the person I was 30 months ago

I appreciate every single one of you that voiced your concerns.

Those concerns highlight the actions you are not willing to take to get the results you want – with your life and your money.

And thank you for reminding us that
X We no longer focus on all the money we don’t have
X We no longer make decisions that benefit corporations while we slave away to pay for it
X We no longer have jobs that left us not seeing each other for 12 years.
X We no longer care what anyone else really thinks

We still have our moments of doubt (we’re human after all) and we’re committed to staying on the path we know is best for our family.




We’ve learned that there is a better life available than settling for what others expect of us.

A life where:
* We thoroughly enjoy time away, because our brain no longer reminds us of all the other things we should have done with our money.
* We have peace of mind, because math no longer dictates our decisions
* We sleep great at night, because we have the skills to manage whatever financial stressor comes our way.

When you two decide to pursue your dream life and financial goals, don’t let the concerns (aka opinions) of others stop you from even starting.

That’s the only guarantee that your dream life and financial goals won’t happen.

Instead find people that will love and support you on the journey.

Know my spouse and I are those people.

And we’re cheering you on.